My new year’s resolution for 2023. Not going too well.

John Boyter
2 min readJan 12, 2023


I quit drinking alcohol over four years ago so I checked that box. A year ago I was happy enough with the exercise I did in Las Terrenas in the Dominican Republic where I walked everywhere and swam often but in Aarhus, Denmark I have increased it considerably thanks to a rehabilitation program I participated in after a heart attack. The training at the hospital lasted three months and that seems to be the time you need to really get going.

Now I go to the gym 2–3 times a week and swim twice a week. I have been very lucky that I have no permanent injury from the heart attack and have normal heart function. The follow up treatment at the hospital and rehabilitation has been amazing. Great health care. It has inspired me to carry on training and make that my primary priority and then I try to write when I can afterwards.

A goal I had for 2022 was to learn more about web development and SEO and doing all my administrative tasks myself using Google Workspace and for accounting Quickbooks Online. This has rolled over into this year as I have not done much about it. The big one will be my returning home to Denmark first tax return. I am dreading it.

The biggest lifestyle change I still feel I can make is to change my diet and that is going to be a real long term plan. First I am going to quit or at least reduce sugar and milk. Milk is so fresh and delicious in Denmark so I drink it too much now. So now I drink Cafe Americano more than Cafe Latte. I think maybe quitting sugar is going to be the biggest challenge and it has been my main new year’s resolution. I have stopped eating cakes with my coffee. Or rather I eat less cakes with my coffee than before. At the hospital in June I weighed 82 kg and now right after Christmas almost 90. My goal is to get to around 80 kg.



John Boyter

Becoming a writer. My purpose with my writing is to be entertaining, and maybe the reader can learn something from it or be inspired. Nomadic Blog Writer.