Indian food at Tandoori Masala. In Copenhagen meeting old friends from my University years.

John Boyter
2 min readDec 14, 2022


Although it is hard to believe even for myself I went to the University of Copenhagen and have a master’s degree in law which I finished in the year 2000. I still run into people who ask me “Did you finish your degree back then?”. In fact, I did but then after all that trouble only used it briefly. I also finished a degree in business taking the first part at the now non-existent Aarhus business school and the second part at Copenhagen business school. So two degrees I don’t use. The third “degree” the one at the “School of hard knocks” from the Caribbean, I won’t be using here in Denmark either. It is not needed. Which is good for limiting stress.

I write now mainly about a healthy lifestyle in my social media blog including the topics health, fitness, nutrition and general well-being as someone who wasn’t very good at it in the past. I quit drinking over 4 years ago. I have had no other major addictions apart from maybe food as I am now realizing — struggling with changing my dietary habits. My exercise routine is on track but I have days where it is difficult. I think I may need to join some kind of exercise community.

In Copenhagen now I had Indian food. In my quest for living a more healthy lifestyle overall I think it’s acceptable. I think it is reasonably healthy, and it’s delicious. In Aarhus where I live now there isn’t a real Indian restaurant but in Copenhagen there are several so glad I had the opportunity to go. In, the Dominican Republic where I lived before there aren’t any either to my knowledge.

Physical health is connected to mental health and I am trying to focus on the ‘five ways to well-being’ being; 1. Connect with others 2. Be active physically 3. Learn new skills 4. Give to others 5. Connect with and notice things around you, be in the present moment. An English friend of mine sent me this link I will use these principles in my blog structuring around healthy lifestyle and also when I travel.



John Boyter

Becoming a writer. My purpose with my writing is to be entertaining, and maybe the reader can learn something from it or be inspired. Nomadic Blog Writer.