Facebook recognized me as a top rising creator this week!
Apparently this label recognizes me for posting content that’s original, received strong audience engagement and meets quality standards. So I hope that’s a good thing.
Today it’s the calm before the storm before Easter week in Las Terrenas. Traditionally Dominicans like to vacation during the holiday and party. Thousands of people will come from the big cities Santo Domingo and Santiago. When I lived in Santo Domingo, I would stay there and enjoy the empty city. Not much traffic and you could walk around safely.
Today I walked on the beach and in the village. I could see the preparations for concerts on the beach and the local police all meeting up and preparing. I ventured out for a last coffee at Chiringuito de Ciccio.
I have prepared for the “storm”. Got my laundry done in town yesterday and I have been shopping so I don’t need to run errands. I do not want to have to walk around in the village with the traffic and noise. Will hunker down in my apartment and from the balcony watch the show from a distance.